We bet you didn't notice these HIDDEN CLUES in the new poster of Shah Rukh Khan's Fan! - bollywood leaks

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Monday, February 29, 2016

We bet you didn't notice these HIDDEN CLUES in the new poster of Shah Rukh Khan's Fan!

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Look closer and you will see them too…

Shah Rukh Khan‘s Fan trailer will soon be out and our excited nerves would get calmer. Naturally, we will watch the trailer a number of times until our wait for the April 15 gets excruciating. That’s when the film releases by the way. Now all this while we were shown a star struck Gaurav going bonkers for his favourite actor but this new poster has revealed details about the story that will easily stun you.

1. Why Sorry? 

If you notice closely, there’s ‘Sorry’ written at one corner of the poster. Now, we cannot be sure what that means until we see the trailer but that holds much promise. Who is apologising here? Shah Rukh the superstar or Shah Rukh the fan? Now, we do know that the plot gets a bit sinister as the film progresses, so can this be a heartfelt confession by Gaurav? Could be!

2. Having a blast? 

Again at the corner you can see an explosion. This is getting increasingly brutal now. What makes things explode in the film? Boy, this is damn exciting. We hope the mystery is revealed in the trailer because this doesn’t seem like a simple story of a fan idolising a superstar!

3. Run SRK run 

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There are two different faces of SRK, showing two different emotions. One has him looking menacingly and other has him running away from something. There is also a snap shot of a street filled with cars merged in all of this chaos. So, should we expect a car chase sequence or perhaps a scene where Gaurav is running for his life?

Boy, the wait for the trailer is getting unbearable now!

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