Looks like any newbie who is making a debut has the hots for Ranveer Singh! The most recent diva to join this brigade is Anya Singh, Yash Raj’s new talent. The young actress, who will soon be making her debut alongside Aadar Jain (Ranbir Kapoor’s cousin), confessed that if given a chance, she would love to work with Ranveer! “I want to romance Ranveer Singh. Ever since I have seen Band Baaja Baarat, I have been a huge fan. Also, the kind of person he is, I relate to him.” To this, Anushka added, “Abhi piche Ranveer mila isse and he was like, ‘All the best, beta,’ and she was like, ‘Beta bol diya.'” Hah! Any girl would go through a major heartbreak if a hottie like Singh refers to them as beta or even behen for that matter!
Anya isn’t the first debutante who has shown a keen interest in working with Singh. Our memory of this certain report claiming Sara Ali Khan’s liking for Singh is as fresh as a daisy. We remember vividly that a source had revealed how Sara wanted to make her debut opposite the much-wanted actor. A source had informed DNA, “Sara Ali Khan is keen to debut opposite Ranveer Singh. She has a huge crush on him and feels they will look great together on screen. But word is, she is making her debut in a Karan Johar film. To work with him, she needs to debut in a YRF film. She’s always had a crush on him ever since she saw his first film and feels he is more of her age, and at a wedding in Hyderabad took many selfies with him.”
ALSO READ – Ranbir Kapoor’s cousin Aadar Jain will romance Anya Singh in his debut film
.@yrf presents #AnyaSingh | @anyasinghoff https://t.co/hGF3oWWxQY
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) July 5, 2017
Well, if you look at the hottie, it would be hard to resist falling for his quirks and charms. In fact, it’s his birthday tomorrow! The actor will be turning 32 and we wonder as to what are his plans for the day! Anyway, we’ll discuss about that in a different piece. Right now let’s talk about Yash Raj’s new talent, Anya! As we mentioned earlier, the young actress will be making a debut opposite Aadar Jain. Being an outsider, a big break like this is something straight out of a fairytale for her. Oh you should check out her photoshoot pics…they’re hot!
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