Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif had been to Abu Dhabi to attend the SIIMA Awards 2017, where they had been promoting their upcoming movie, Jagga Jasoos. When they are together on stage to promote their movie, it looks like they have some brilliant camaraderie going on there, even after their much publicised breakup. Katrina Kaif had even once told that she considers Ranbir Kapoor as her best friend. Even after the event, they hung up with South stars like Rana Daggubati, R Madhavan, Khushboo et al and Ranbir even did a Lungi Dance on stage.
Now that they have returned from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai today, we now see them showing none of that on-stage spark. Both of them arrive on the same flight, but they leave separately. And they were also looking quite serious too, going by the pics we have. Katrina Kaif was looking quite pretty in that white and black striped dress. Ranbir looked pretty uber cool in that T-shirt and cap, as he chatted away with his entourage. Here are pics from the airport…
Jagga Jasoos is directed by Anurag Basu, and is touted to be a musical adventure film on the lines of Tintin. Pritam has scored the music for the film. The movie is scheduled to release on July 13.
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