REVEALED! Jon Snow’s real name in Game Of Thrones - bollywood leaks

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Saturday, June 17, 2017

REVEALED! Jon Snow’s real name in Game Of Thrones

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Since the time Ned Stark was killed off in Game Of Thrones and all his kids were on their own, fans have speculated that there’s more to his Bastard son Jon Snow than what meets the eye. In the season 6 of the show it was revealed that young Ned Stark battled the Targaryen’s at the Tower of Joy, in order to free his sister Lyanna from captivity. As Lyanna was pregnant, she gave her baby to her brother Ned and whispered something in his ear. The baby was Jon Snow but it remained a mystery as to what she actually whispered. Well not anymore, thanks to fans and a confirmation by Empire magazine, she whispered Jon’s real name. Also read: Katrina Kaif desires to play Mother of Dragons in Game of Thrones and we totally want that to happen!

Yes the real name of Jon Snow is revealed! According to a report by Uproxx, some fans proficient in lip-reading guessed it to be… *drum-rolls*…’Jaehaerys’. Jaehaerys is a name that is prevalent in the Game of Thrones mythos, with Jaehaerys I (known as “The Wise”) serving as King of the Seven Kingdoms 200 years prior; Jaehaerys II became king 50 years later, and fathered Aerys II, The Mad King.

Considering, Jaehaerys was a wise loved King, it’s suffice Lyanna would want to name her kid after the same. But then the name could also act as the ultimate fate of Jon Snow, which is, to be the King.

(with text inputs from

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